Winter Calender
Tresca Community Centre
Knights School:
Starts Saturday 28th July
Learn the skills of Medieval Knights
Classes for 6 - 10 yrs
11 - 15 yrs
16 yrs +
Cost is $5 per class
Health and Harmony Day
A time to indulge yourself
August 15th
10am - 2pm
Cost $5
Demo Day
Considering Home based businesses
and Party Plan work ?
Then this may be for you !
August 25th
10am - 2pm
Cost by Donation
Community Lunches
July 28th
August 11th
August 25th
Cost $2
Enquiries for all events call 6394 4231
HI there! Hope you've been getting emails from me and a few others about setting up a Transition Town sustainability group and getting a think tank going.... perhaps get Caspar to write a piece about it for your blog?