Thursday, 18 August 2011

2012 RIRDC Rural Women’s Award

2012 RIRDC Rural Women’s Award

Do you know someone that has a vision for their rural business, industry or community?

Do they need assistance to make that vision a reality?

The Rural Women’s Award might be the answer…

What is the Rural Women’s Award?
The Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation (RIRDC) Rural Women’s Award is Australia’s pre-eminent Award that recognises and encourages rural women’s contribution to primary industries, resource development and rural Australia.

Who can enter?
The Award is open to all women involved in primary industries and resource development, including broad-acre farming, intensive livestock, cropping, horticulture, fisheries, forestry, new and emerging plant and animal enterprises, Indigenous rural enterprises, natural resource management and related service industries.

What do you win?
The 2012 Award provides a Bursary of $10,000 for each state and territory winner to support their professional development and contribution to primary industries.  Tasmania also provides an Encouragement Award (proudly sponsored by Tasmanian Women in Agriculture) which recognises commitment to your industry.

The National RIRDC Rural Women’s Award Winner and Runner-Up are then selected to represent the Award, RIRDC and rural women on a national platform.

What do past applicants say about the Award?
"The Rural Woman's Award is an opportunity to be part of a diverse network of truly remarkable women. The award opportunities provide skills and support for effective leadership on both a local and national level."  
Jackie Brown, 2011 Tasmanian Rural Women’s Award Winner

“The award process reignited my commitment to our region and has given my thoughts and ideas a structured framework.  The interaction with so many inspiring women encouraged me to take that next step and become involved in initiatives to drive change and foster development in our rural area.” 
Jan Hughes, 2011 Tasmanian Rural Women’s Award Runner-Up
How do I enter?
Applications are open NOW and close on World Rural Women’s Day - 15 October 2011. 
Rural women are being encouraged to enter themselves or you can nominate someone you think is ready for a new challenge.

The Award is an initiative of RIRDC in partnership with the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment. This year’s sponsors are Westpac Banking Corporation, ABC Radio and Rural Press Ltd.
Find out more:  Application forms are available from Heather Neate, Rural Women’s Award State Coordinator on 6336 5146 or email
Applications can be also downloaded from the website:
Information sessions on the Awards will also be held in two weeks time, so stay tuned for further details!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Apple Tree Sale


(ON MM111 Stock)
Ideal for Backyard
Limited Stock – Be Quick!
Get your orders in for Delivery to DCA Soon

Kind Regards
Alison Ashlin
Calthorpe Orchard

If you are interested please contact Mary on
P 6394 7320 or


Saturday 20 August 2011
9AM - 1PM

I am looking for some more people
to participate in our Garage Sale
next week.
At this stage I only have 11 registrations.

If you can't participate yourself,
pass the word around.

Julie Lee
My contact number is P 0419 323 430

Looking for Ladies....DEVIOT ROOSTERS FOR SALE!

Gorgeous, good tempered, Barnevelder/Rhode Island Red.
approx 8 months old - $ 20 each.

Also available 5 month old roosters and hens ($15), 
chicks ($10) and
fresh eggs ($4 dozen)

Saturday, 13 August 2011

ServeAg Field Day: Composting Large Scale


Date: Thursday 18th August
Time: 8.00am Bus Pick Up - (Black Stallion Hotel Car Park,
Rocherlea or en route to Oatlands)
Visiting Sites: Soil First Pty Ltd (Oatlands)
Macquarie Oil Co ‘Woodrising’, (Cressy)

Hosts: Dave Duggan — Soil First Pty Ltd , Oatlands
Rob Henry — Macquarie Oil Co, ‘Woodrising’ property, Cressy

Come & see first hand large scale composting operations in action & discuss with owners: 
* Procedures in making quality humus compost & poppy meal
* Critical phases in the process
* Temperature / Oxygen control * Ratio of waste materials
*Use of poppy meal as a soil conditioner
* Infrastructure requirements

Morning tea & lunch provided
For bus numbers & catering purposes please RSVP by Friday 12th August to: 
Peter Heading (Project Officer Serve-Ag) 
on 0408 006 315 
email: pheading

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Sustainability Events

Reduce your food energy, Eat sustainably and live well seminar
Saturday 13th August 10am - 4pm
Join a host of speakers and interested community members at Windsor Community Centre, 1 Windsor Drive, Riverside, Launceston. Download Reduce Your Food Energy flyer or schedule. Supported by: Tamar NRM

Our Food, Our Hands, Our Future - Certificate 1 in Horticulture
18 August - 20 October - Thursdays 4:45-6:45pm
This horticultural course will also provide you with the skills to: empower people at risk of food insecurity to participate in their own solution communicate with the community about how to start a veggie patch; enthuse, reward and keep volunteers in your community garden; produce a veggie patch out of discarded materials; how to use gardening as a social inclusion tool; how to integrate literacy and numeracy into gardening and cooking; and teach the community how to use basic vegetables to cook an interesting meal. For more info download the flyer.
Enrol now by calling Ben on 03 623 6059 or emailing
Blue Sky Series presents Professor Will Steffen: Surviving the Anthropocene – The Critical Decade
Tuesday, 23 August 6pm for 6:30 start
Minister for Climate Change Cassy O’Connor MP hosts pre-eminent climate scientist Professor Will Steffen for a confronting and thought-provoking presentation about the science of climate change and the decisions we must make. Venue: Stanley Burbury Theatre, UTAS Sandy Bay campus 

Go SoHo - Better Ways of Getting Around Transport Forum
Wednesday, 24 August 6:30-8pm
SHSC are presenting this transport forum to our members to stimulate thought about how we move around our suburb. Whether walking, cycling, bussing or driving, many of us are looking to minimise personal car use. Recent events such as the launch of the Rivulet Strategic Plan, the looming spectre of Peak Oil, the advent of bike racks on buses, the rising popularity of electric bikes, Car Pooling and many others. We are bringing together a range of information and demonstrations to both raise awareness of what is happening in South Hobart as well as to inspire us to move more sustainably. We will also have hold our brief AGM during this forum. Venue: South Hobart Primary School – Music Room. Refreshments provided. Gold coin donation entry appreciated.

Sustainable House Day
Sunday, 11 September
Thousands of Tasmanians continue to embrace renewable energy, recycling, alternative building products and other sustainable practices designed to lessen our impact on the planet. Last year over 40,000 people visited 272 homes that opened across Australia.
Sustainable House Day gives people the chance to get a real-life look inside houses that have been designed, built or fitted out with sustainability in mind and talk to owners, receiving unbiased advice. All free of charge. For more info

Open Space Facilitation Training - Professional Development
September 29th & 30th - 9:30-4pm Moonah Open Space Technology (OST) was developed by Harrison Own over 20 years ago and has been used effectively in groups from 5 to 2000 people all around the world in a multitude of contexts.  In this workshop you will learn how to facilitate using OST and you will be able to use OST in meetings, forums and other settings where it can assist in creating and achieving goals within your organisation/community. OST is a remarkable tool to have in your facilitation kit bag, as the principles of the process will assist you far beyond the bounds of being a facilitator. For a registration form and details:

Designing and Facilitating Effective Workshops - Professional Development
October 6th & 7th - 9:30-4pm Moonah
This training will equip you with the skills to design and facilitate fantastic workshops in your topic of interest. Being able to create workshops will assit you to conduct effective meetings, help your community learn new skills and assist you to present information to groups effectively.  In this 2 day workshop you will learn how about: Engaging people and effectively communicating your message; Learning styles – people learn differently, so you will cover different ways to reach your audience so they get value from your workshops; Dealing with diversity and creating a strong community. For a registration form and details:

Tasmania's Sustainable Living Expo
5 & 6 November - PW1 Hobart Waterfront
A community celebration of sustainability - 2 days of live music, talks, demonstrations, kids activities, art, workshops, displays and more. Find out all the details on the SLE 2011 website.
Critical Mass "Cycle Celebration"
5:15pm @ Franklin Square Last Friday of every month!!
Please come take part in a ride around Hobart to show your support for cycling and advocate for improved cycling infrastructure.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Tresca Events

Winter Calender
Tresca Community Centre

Knights School: 
Starts Saturday 28th July
Learn the skills of Medieval Knights
Classes for 6  - 10 yrs
11 - 15 yrs
16 yrs +

Cost is $5 per class

Health and Harmony Day
A time to indulge yourself

August 15th 
10am  - 2pm

Cost $5

Demo Day
Considering Home based businesses
and Party Plan work ?
Then this may be for you !

August 25th
10am - 2pm

Cost by Donation

Community Lunches
July 28th
August 11th
August 25th
Cost $2

Enquiries for all events call 6394 4231

Bingo !!!

Bingo is being held at various local halls
Come along for a meal
and to meet new faces.

9th August: Frankford Soldiers Memorial Hall
16th August: Birralee Hall

For further details contact Irene on 6396 1163

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

WIRL Meetings

Hi Everyone!
Thankyou, to all the participants in our first aid course. We completed our
level 1 workplace certificate and had a fantastic time. It was wonderful to
meet you all. 

The course was instructed by Paul Cooper from St John
Ambulance, who did a great job. He was very informative, encouraging and
quick witted, which in turn made the day go very quickly. 

There was also a
lot of interest, in the possibility of doing the level 2 course. Which Paul
would be more than happy to instruct. 

I hope you have all received your
receipts in the post from St John Ambulance, and our certificates should be
following shortly. 

We are also still waiting to hear if we were successful in
the grant application. If we are, I will contact you all to arrange your

Our next guest speaker:
Greg Hinds
The Tasmania Fire Service

will be doing a demonstration
about fire safety in and around the home.

Our next meeting:
Date: Monday 8th August 2011
Time: 1.30p.m. – 2.45p.m.
Venue: Exeter Show Grounds Luncheon Room

(Donated by the Exeter Show Committee)

So come along for a chat and a coffee, and throw your ideas forward, on
different topics you may want to discuss, or find out more about.
Looking forward to seeing you there!!!!

(Remember kids are most welcome to attend with their parent/s)

Farm Biosecurity

DPIPWE’s Biosecurity and Plant Health Branch and the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association (TFGA) have produced a limited number of  “Please Respect Farm Biosecurity” farm gate signs.  Designed by Plant Health Australia, the signs are intended to help get visitors (in particular any non-regular visitors) to your property to do the right thing by you.  The signage should also help raise the profile of farm biosecurity and stress that people who are not farmers also have some responsibility to help maintain good farm biosecurity.  

These metal signs are 40 by 30 cms.  They are pre-drilled so will be easy to mount on or near entry gates.

DPIPWE is making these available to commercial farmers in the cropping and horticulture sectors  (limit of 1 per grower) and the TFGA is making them available to their members.  

To get a sign for your property please contact either:

Lynn Broos at DPIPWE with some evidence you are a commercial farmer (such as ABN or PIC, for example).  Lynn’s email address is or snail mail to her at  DPIPWE, PO Box 303, Devonport, 7310, Tasmania.

Nardia Deverell at the TFGA  - or snail mail to her at the TFGA, Cnr Cimitiere & Charles Streets,Launceston,7250, Tasmania.


Nominations are now open for the annual Horticulture Australia Ltd Awards, which recognise outstanding contributions to the horticultural industry.

The Graham Gregory award, which includes a $10,000 cash prize and commemorative bronze medal, is presented to the candidate that has demonstrated excellence in horticulture from any point along the supply chain, including research and development, education, training, technology transfer, and advertising and promotion. The Young Leader award recognises leadership in any discipline of the horticulture industry by those 35 years of age and under.

Nominations for the awards close on Friday 23 September 2011. For more information and to download nomination forms, click here  or phone 02 8295 2379.
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