Monday, 30 May 2011

TWiA News

TWiA – still searching for a Secretary
TWiA is currently searching for a member of their Executive to hold the position of Secretary.  This role would prepare agendas for State and Executive meetings, record minutes of both meetings, receive and action mail via post and email, and draft letters on behalf of the organisation.

If you are interested in this role contact Annette Reed or TWiA for further information at

TWiA State Meeting
The next State meeting of TWiA is being held at the Red Bridge Cafe in Campbell Town on Wednesday 15 June at 12.30pm.  As part of this meeting TWiA hears from each of the discussion group on what they have been up to over the last few months.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Beacon Runners

Run or Walk !

Join the Beacons Runners 
for their weekly
run in the park
by the beach
along the nature reserve !

A different venue each week
keeps the scenery changing
Meet Sunday afternoons at 4pm
Check the blog for this weeks run

Essential Governance

A practical workshop to help your organisation run effectively
Launceston - 1 June 2011

Would you like to:
o   increase your confidence, competence and professionalism and enable you to participate more effectively as a member of a not for profit community board or committee of management;
o   enhance your understanding of your role, rights and responsibilities;
o   network and exchange strategies and ideas with presenters and fellow participants; and
o   ultimately find satisfaction in your committee experience?

If you answered yes to the above, then this workshop is for you!

The course will covers topics such as -
·         What is governance
·         Your legal requirements
·         Committee effectiveness
·         Protecting against financial problems
·         How to read profit and loss statement

When: Wednesday 1 June 2011
Where: DPIPWE Government Offices – Prospect
Time: 9:30am – 3:30pm

There is no charge for this workshop and lunch will be provided.

This course if being offered by the Department of Primary Industries, Parks, Water and Environment and supported by Women Tasmania.

FIND OUT MORE: If you wish to attend please fill out and return the registration form attached to Kieryn Deutrom.  For more information on the course please see attached brochure or contact Kieryn Deutrom on 6336 5430 or

Project Management Workshop

25 May 2011
9.30am – 11.30am
Prospect Government Offices – Launceston

Regional Development Australia – Tasmania supported by DPIPWE will provide a morning workshop on how to manage a project.

Topics covered will include –

·         developing a project plan
·         implementing the plan
·         managing the project
·         discussion on how to report on a project

This workshop is being provided FREE of charge by RDA and DPIPWE.

Where: Prospect Government Offices, 167 Westbury Road Prospect (Launceston) – Conference room 1
When: Wednesday 25 May 2011
Time: 9:00am for 9:30am-11.30am

FIND OUT MORE: To RSVP please fill out and return the attached registration form.  For more information please email Kieryn Deutrom at DPIPWE at or call 6336 5430

Volunteer Grants 2011 (FAHCSIA)

Funding of $16 million is available under Volunteer Grants 2011
Volunteer Grants 2011 recognises the important role of Australia’s volunteers and is part of the Government’s ongoing commitment to supporting volunteers, assisting disadvantaged communities and encouraging social inclusion to assist vulnerable individuals, families and communities.  Funding of $16 million is available to eligible not-for-profit community organisations to assist their volunteers and encourage volunteering.

Volunteer Grants 2011 provides funding of between $1,000 and $5,000 to not-for-profit organisations to:
  • Purchase portable, tangible, small equipment items to help volunteers
  • Contribute to the reimbursement of fuel costs for their volunteers who use their own car to transport others to activities, deliver food and assist people in need
  • Contribute to the reimbursement of transport costs incurred by volunteers with disability who are unable to drive
  • Contribute to the costs of training courses and/or undertake background screening checks for volunteers.

Funding is limited and applications will be assessed and prioritised according to how strongly they meet the selection criteria.  The selection criteria, eligibility criteria and other essential information about Volunteer Grants 2011 are provided on the website.

Closing Date and Time: Applications are open for Volunteers Grants from 4 May 2011 until 8 June 2011.    Applications close on Wednesday 8 June 2011 5pm AEST.

FIND OUT MORE:  Phone toll-free to the Volunteer Grants Hotline 1800 183 374 (Mon-Fri 9am-5pm AEST) or email  Please visit the FAHCSIA website for more information at

Monday, 9 May 2011


State-wide workshops aim to increase female participation in local elections

A series of workshops will be held across Tasmania as part of a drive to address the dramatic gender imbalance in local government.

Women occupy only 25% of councillor positions and the WomenCan initiative aims to bring more females to the table.

In just under six months, Tasmania local government elections will be held with nominations open from September 12-26 and voting from October 11-25.

WomenCan is supported by the Australian Local Government Women’s Association (ALGWA) Tasmania.  It aims to encourage women to seek office and then provides them with  support when they do.

ALGWA branch president Councillor Cheryl Fuller said it was important for local government to become more representative. “Women make such a huge contribution to their local community and we need their voices to be heard,” she said.

Details for the state-wide workshops are:

·         Hobart - May 2, 4pm-6pm, Hobart City Council Conference Room cnr.        Davey and Elizabeth Sts. Hobart

  • North-West – May 16, 5.30pm-7pm, Devonport City Council Chambers,  44-48 Best Street, Devonport

  • North – May 17, 1pm-2.30pm, Riverside Council Chambers, Eden Street, Riverside (Launceston)

To register for the sessions and more information email Councillor Alwyn Friedersdorff, ALGWA Secretary on

FIND OUT MORE:   To find out more about the WomenCan program and its support networks and events email

For more information/interviews contact:
Cr Cheryl Fuller, Australian Local Government Women’s Association (Tasmania) branch president and Central Coast Councillor, 0458 888 040
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