Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Eat Well Tasmania Inc Board

Eat Well Tasmania Inc (EWTi) is seeking expressions of interest from enthusiastic individuals and organisations that are keen to make a difference to the nutritional wellbeing of the Tasmanian population. Specifically, EWTi is seeking motivated and dedicated participants to join its Board of Management.

EWTi is a well established state-wide organisation that has provided (non-financial) support and assistance for projects or activities that promote enjoyable healthy eating in Tasmania since 1995.  Organisational seed funding is provided by the Department of Health & Human Services. 

The role of the EWTi Board is to guide the strategic direction of the EWT program. The program is currently managed by an Executive Officer.

EWTi aims to contribute to the reduction of diet related health problems (such as cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, obesity and some cancers) and improve the nutritional well being of all Tasmanians, by maximising the impact of food and nutrition promotion. The EWT program aims to achieve this by:

·            Promoting increased awareness of the importance of healthy food choices, especially of Tasmanian origin.
·            Promotion of Tasmanian produce, with a specific focus on fresh produce (fruit and vegetables).
·            Increasing the level of inter-sectoral action in nutrition promotion.
·            Coordinating and raising the profile of projects, activities and campaigns consistent with the Dietary Guidelines for Australians.

If you are interested in making a difference in the area of nutrition promotion by contributing to this credible program and its strategic direction, we invite you to submit and expression of interest (EOI) to nominate for a future position on the Eat Well Tasmania Inc Board.

In nominating for a position on the Board, potential members should consider the following:

·          Ability to demonstrate a commitment to the EWTi program and to act for the greater good of the program.
·          Attributes that can contribute to the strengthening and growth of the EWT program, eg. skills, networks (eg links to food industry, education etc) visions , financial management skills, incorporation experience etc.
·          Experience on Boards or Committees either as a member, chairperson, treasurer etc.
·          Experience in working in partnership with a broad range of stakeholders and the ability to appreciate differing views and perspectives on issues.
·          Ability to attend Board meetings (six per year).
·          Ability to identify ways to enhance the capacity of the organisation including opportunities for further financial investment in the EWTi program.
·          Whether the member has any interests that may conflict with the organisation.
·          Ability to be a passionate supporter of the organisations’ mission and values, including promotion of healthy eating in line with the National Health and Medical Research Council; Dietary Guidelines for Australians.

Expressions of Interest should be made in writing and sent to the Executive Officer, Eat Well Tasmania, GPO Box 1365, Hobart, Tasmania 7001 or emailed to

FIND OUT MORE:  To find out more about the Board positions please do not hesitate to contact Nenita Orsino on 6223 1266 to discuss anything further.  You will find further information about EWTi and its programs at

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