Friday, 29 April 2011

Tasmanian dairy industry revealed

The mysteries of the Tasmanian dairy industry revealed

Do you suspect you are the only one who doesn’t understand how Tasmania’s dairy industry works and who does what?

Dairy farmers from throughout the Far North West are invited to attend a meeting of the Circular Head branch next Wednesday night (April 27) for a question and answer session with the industry leadership on everything they have wanted to know but have not been game to ask.

For example:
  • what is the difference in the roles of the TFGA Dairy Council and DairyTas?
  • what is DairyTas?
  • who decides milk prices?

The branch meeting will be held at Tall Timbers at Smithton on Wednesday April 27 from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm. Speakers will include TFGA Dairy Council chairman Andrew Lester, DairyTas executive officer Mark Smith, TFGA president David Gatenby and CEO Jan Davis.

Supper will be served.

FIND OUT MORE:  Please contact Jan Davis 0409 004 228




13TH – 15TH MAY 2011

Friday Morning – Berry Conference
Friday Afternoon – Perennial Fruit Conference (Berry and Treefruits)
Saturday Session – Cherry and Stonefruit Conference
Sunday – Field trip to the Coal River Valley

·         Fruit Growers Tasmania Annual Awards including  FGT Award for Excellence and Mark Miller Young Grower Award

·         Lucky Conference Door Prize  - Water Pump donated by Water Dynamics  - drawn at the Conference Dinner

·         Lucky Dinner Door Prize - $1000 Travel Voucher Donated by Edwards/Toll

·         Sponsors Lucky Draws – Over 10  great prizes from our Conference Exhibitors and Sponsors  - drawn at the Conference Dinner

·         Conference Evaluations - A $100 Bunnings voucher donated by Link Logistics is up for grabs for all delegates who return their Conference Evaluation Forms  - drawn at the Conference Dinner

Contact us!
Fruit Growers Tasmania
262 Argyle St, Hobart TAS 7000
p 03 6231 1944 
f 03 6231 1929

Future-proofing your enterprise

Sustaining your business
Future-proofing your enterprise

12 May 2011
The Tramsheds, Inveresk Rail Yards
4 Invermay Road, Inveresk (Launceston)

The ‘perfect skills storm’ is forming. Is your company ready to face the challenges ahead? Is your company robust, efficient, effective and sustainable and will you still be in business in five years?

AgriFood Skills Australia in conjunction with the Tasmanian Department of Economic Development, Tourism and the Arts and the Tasmanian Agricultural Productivity Group, is hosting an interactive seminar for Tasmanian food processors on the importance of sustainability for the future of your business.

More than ever, sustainability is crucial for the survival of your business. It is not just about diagnostics and technical ‘fixes’ and processes - a truly sustainable business requires cultural change. To survive and compete you need to lead your staff to think about risk management and efficiency in their everyday work practices.

This focused, interactive seminar will allow you to achieve:
·         Cost savings at an early stage
·         Strategies to prepare for change and engage your workforce
·         Ways to minimise the carbon impact of your supply chain
·         Funding options to support a sustainable business

Participation will provide you with a pre-seminar ‘Green Skills’ needs analysis and financial support for ongoing exchange of ideas and skills development with other enterprise leaders.

FIND OUT MORE: This seminar is free of charge.  For further information please contact Angela Petty 02 6163 7208 or OR Terry Brient 0407 287 537 or

E-Commerce for Small Business

Learn how small business can benefit from operating in the E commerce world.

This FREE workshop, presented by Michelle & Simon Frost from Michon International will cover the following content :
 ·      The essentials for an effective website
 ·      E Marketing
 ·      Social media
 ·      Search engine optimisation
 ·      The role of Google in getting customers to find you
 ·      Researching your market online
 ·      Targeting clients more efficiently
 ·      Reputation management online

 Date:    Thursday, 19
th May  2011
 Time:    6:30pm to 8:30pm
 Venue:  O group offices, 53 Canning Street, Launceston
 Cost:     Complimentary

 Register today on FREECALL 1800 709 552.

Tap into your future workforce

Voices of the future – Tap into your future workforce

Are you looking to tap into your future workforce?  
Do you want your business to help give students direction and inspiration? 
Do you want to promote your business as an ‘employer of choice’?

The TCCI is undertaking a project with year 10, 11 and 12 students across the state to explore reasons for student retention and disengagement. We call this the Voices of the Future.  The project is supported by the Tasmanian Department of Education.  Events will be held in Hobart on May 10, Launceston on May 11 and Burnie on May 12.  At these events, there is an opportunity for employers to provide a short presentation of 5 to 10 minute to students on their expectations of students entering the workforce. That is, the skills, attributes and level of education required for entry level positions and type of work they should expect. 

FIND OUT MORE: If you would like to express your interest or discuss this unique opportunity further, please contact Colleen Reardon, Education and Training Adviser on 6236 3600, 0409 810 103 or

Thursday, 28 April 2011

First Aid Training

Are you interested in attending a First Aid Course in Exeter ?
Then register your interest to join in a training group co-ordinated by W.I.R.L.

The aim is have St Johns Ambulance come to Exeter and train a 

The course can be run either 
over two days on a week-end 
over a number of nights through the week
at the Exeter Showground Hall.

Cost would be $80
payable on registration.

contact  Virginia: wirl.tasmania[at]

Launceston Horticultural Society Show

Launceston Horticultural Society
Autumn Show

St Albies Hall
Margaret Street Launceston

April 30 - Saturday - 2 - 5pm
May 1- Sunday - 9am - 4pm
Entry Fee $2
Featuring cut flowers, 
grown plants,
floral art and 
junior flower exhibits.
Specialist growers including:
Granny Smiths Garden 
Maple Glen Nursery
Rhubarb Sampling and sales including:
vinegars and

Bob Reid  will talk on 
plants for climate change 
Saturday at 3pm 
Sunday at 11am.
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